Legal Information

Full company name: CARE diagnostica Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H
Business Purpose: Production and trade of diagnostic rapid tests
VAT registration number: ATU68196258
Company registration number: 404398d
Place of jurisdiction: Regional court Wiener Neustadt
Authority according ECG (E-Commerce Law): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Baden
Registered office: 2514 Traiskirchen
Full company address: Roemerstrasse 8, 2514 Traiskirchen, Austria
Contact details (Tel, Fax, E-Mail) Tel: +43 2252 55155-0, Fax: +43 2252 55155-1, E-Mail: mail(at)
Memberships of organisations of economic chambers: Austrian Chamber of Trade, Economic Chamber of Lower Austria


Picture Credits:
Adobe Stock - Datei-Nr.: 84417344 - von Monkey Business
Adobe Stock - Datei-Nr.: 135459673 - von Westend61